ABOUT US"The History of the Lone Star Region"
In 1982 Andy Anderson and G.L. Brewer took a trip to Indiana to visit relatives. Andy was a bird hunter and field trialer so he decided to go to Amo, Indiana and watch a NSTRA trial. Andy was excited about this type of trial and when he returned to Texas he wanted to get NSTRA trials started here. NSTRA required an application be approved before a new region could be established. Andy Anderson along with Jimmy Heisy and Sam Austin submitted the application and Texas had approved to establish a region. There were approximately 23 charter members in the Lone Star Region, these included Sam Austin, Doug Moore, and Don Ward. A meeting was held and Sam Austin was elected President. Doug Moore suggested the name Lone Star, a vote was taken and the Lone Star Region was born. The first trial was held on October 8, 1983 at Millsap, Texas. Seventeen people entered dogs. Tom Love came down from Indiana to judge that first trial, he was always well thought of here and spent many winters bird hunting with members from the region. The Lone Star Region is very proud of the charter members that helped start our region. |
ABOUT NSTRAThe National Shoot To Retrieve Association (NSTRA) was founded by a group of dedicated bird hunters looking for a way to extend the fun they enjoyed with their bird dogs after their season ended. Field Trials, under hunting conditions, were the answer. Field Trials provide an extended season, a sportsmanlike environment and competition with others who enjoy bird dogs. If your looking for a way to extend your season this is the place for you and your family.
How it works: A trial is composed of 32 dogs who run against each other in 16 braces that are 30 minutes long. The fields are generally 40 acres with each brace having 5 birds put out for them. The goal is to find as many birds in your field as you can and the dogs get scored based on their finds, retrieves, obedience, ground coverage, and if given the chance how they honor their brace mate. The dog that has the highest score at the end of the day is the winner and so on and so forth. Most importantly we are all here to have fun and enjoy ourselves. How to earn your championship: You must obtain 18 points with 9 of those being 1st place points. - A 3 point trial has 24-32 entries and 1st place gets 3 points, 2nd gets 2 points, and 3rd gets 1 point. - A 2 point trial has 18-23 entries and 1st place gets 2 points, and 2nd gets 1 point. - A 1 point trial has 12-17 entries and 1st place gets 1 point. |